Careers in Tech

Land a Job in Tech with No Experience

November 28, 2023


Embarking on a career in the tech industry without prior experience may seem like a significant challenge. However, numerous success stories and valuable insights from individuals who have navigated this journey offer guidance to those aspiring to join the tech workforce. In this article, we'll explore different strategies and career paths based on the experience shared by professionals who transitioned into tech without traditional backgrounds.

Consider Tech Sales or Digital Marketing

Entering the tech industry through unconventional routes has become increasingly common, and one promising avenue is exploring careers in digital marketing or business-to-business (B2B) tech sales. Professionals in these fields often highlight the adaptability and diverse skill sets that individuals from non-tech backgrounds can bring to the table.

Tech Sales: A Path Worth Exploring

While some may hesitate due to concerns about succeeding in a performance-based sales role, the experiences of those who have made this transition indicate that skills in sales can be developed over time. Success stories abound of individuals with backgrounds in psychology excelling in entry-level sales and marketing positions and eventually climbing the ranks to high-paying roles within the tech sector. The ability to understand consumer behavior, a core skill for psychology majors, proves valuable in crafting effective sales strategies.

Alternative Paths: Project Management

For those not inclined toward sales, an alternative pathway highlighted by professionals involves roles in project management. Starting as a Jr. Business Analyst and progressing to positions such as Program Manager, individuals can carve out successful careers without an extensive technical background.

Key elements in this trajectory include continuous learning, forming strong professional relationships, and obtaining certifications in agile methodologies. Project management roles often require a combination of organizational skills, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities — attributes that individuals with degrees in psychology often possess.

The journey from a business analyst to a program manager, as shared by one professional, reflects the importance of volunteering for diverse tasks to acquire new skills, seeking mentorship, and building relationships both within and outside the workplace. These elements, combined with an unwavering commitment to learning, can pave the way for a rewarding career in tech.

Job-Hopping for Career Growth

Another strategy that has proven successful for many is the approach of starting with entry-level positions, such as help desk or QA tester, and strategically job-hopping to climb the career ladder. This method allows individuals to gain diverse experiences and skills, ultimately leading to more specialized and higher-paying roles within the tech industry.

The flexibility and adaptability acquired through job-hopping can be a valuable asset in the dynamic tech landscape. By moving between roles, individuals not only gather a range of skills but also gain exposure to different aspects of the industry, providing a comprehensive understanding that positions them for success in more senior roles.

Tips for Landing a Help Desk Role

For those considering a more technical entry point, such as help desk roles, advice from professionals in the field includes scaling up skills for other positions gradually. Building a solid foundation in roles like help desk can open doors to more specialized and lucrative opportunities within the tech sector.

Help desk positions serve as a gateway for individuals to familiarize themselves with various technologies, troubleshoot problems, and develop a solid understanding of the IT landscape. The experience gained in such roles forms a foundation for progressing into higher-paying roles, such as systems administration or network engineering.

Diversifying into Software Implementation

Stories of professionals successfully transitioning into roles like software implementation consultants in FinTech showcase the potential for individuals to leverage their existing skills and degrees in unrelated fields. These narratives emphasize the importance of showcasing relevant skills and adapting them to the tech industry.

Software implementation consultants play a crucial role in ensuring that software solutions are effectively integrated into a client's business processes. Individuals with backgrounds in fields like psychology often possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills, making them well-suited for roles that involve understanding client needs and tailoring software solutions accordingly.

The Realities of Software Development

Understanding the realities of entering software development is crucial for those considering this path. Professionals stress the competitiveness of the market and recommend strategies such as working on open source and personal projects. For those seeking a more structured learning path, coding schools are presented as viable options.

The software development landscape is ever-evolving, with a high demand for skilled professionals. Entry-level positions often require a solid understanding of programming languages, algorithms, and software development methodologies. While a degree in psychology may not directly align with these technical requirements, individuals can bridge the gap by actively engaging in self-directed learning and building a robust portfolio of projects.

Building a Strong LinkedIn Presence

Throughout these diverse career paths, a common theme emerges: the significance of a robust LinkedIn profile. Networking and building a strong online presence can open doors to opportunities, allowing aspiring tech professionals to connect with industry experts, showcase their skills, and stay updated on industry trends.


The experiences and insights shared by professionals who successfully transitioned into tech careers without traditional backgrounds serve as a source of inspiration and guidance. By embracing continuous learning, networking, and adapting to the dynamic nature of the tech industry, aspiring tech professionals can craft their unique paths toward rewarding and fulfilling careers in the ever-evolving world of technology.

The tech industry welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds, valuing not only technical expertise but also a broad range of skills and perspectives. The journey into tech without prior experience may be challenging, but with determination, a strategic approach, and a commitment to ongoing learning, aspiring tech professionals can find their place and thrive in this exciting and dynamic field.